Cheap Tube

Because powerful people make really dumb decisions

Videos we think you’ll like

As we work on putting this mainly blog news site together, there are always some videos that come to the fore that the staff think are hilarious, poignant, interesting, worthwhile, or just plain dead on. We thought we’d serve up a few. Enjoy.

  • One of the hundreds of times per year a plain legally armed citizen saves someone with their weapon.

  • Steve Bannon. His representation by media gives pause. Yet watching his views unfiltered by others may actually change your mind.

  • Not every major actor in Hollywood thinks the same. See Matt Damon vigorously defend the Declaration of Independence and all it stands for.

  • You don’t see this very often. Pushback of the CIA on a CBS television station.

  • President Elect Trump on what the core initiatives are for his first 100 days in office.

  • Adam Corolla with perhaps the best description of how screwed up immigration thinking has become. A must view.

  • Jon Stewart on Trump. Yes he doesn’t agree with him but he’s realistic on him, liberals, and the country in general.

  • President Obama encouraging non-citizens to vote. Amazing video.

  • Milo goes through the 12 ways the left can get rid of the Alt-Right

  • Stressed for cash as your retirement days near? How about retiring in Mexico.


Cheap Hits depends on Button Plus by Big White Duck for the buttons throughout the admin area.

There are loads of button stacks out there but this most definitely one of my favourites. It is also a free download but please be sure to donate to this great developer.

I am a big fan of Font Awesome. It is a fast effective way to add icons to any project. You can use the code for free from the Font Awesome website but I strongly recommend Joe Workman's Font Awesome stack for simplicity. Other Font Awesome stacks are available from various developers so if you already own one just use that.

My Image


My Image

Stacks 3


We love Rapidweaver by Realmac Software and Stacks by Yourhead Software.


Probably here too. For now, we’re lazy.

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