The American electorate want change. A real change. Not talk, or broken promises, and certainly not business as usual. Having experience is a negative. It's what gotten us to the point. Now it's time for no experience.

This election is the real life playout of that famous definition of insanity. You know, "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome."

People want someone else absolutely new to run the government and they're willing to roll the dice that Trump won't be any worse than the status quo. They're actually hopefull that he'll be a breath of fresh air and add some sanity. Funny, even writing that sentence seems nuts. Trump adding sanity? Yeah. That's how much the the people want change.

Even MSNBC's Chris Matthews thinks this, and he hates Trump. Watch that here.

His taxes? Who cares? The IRS hasn't arrested him, he's paying big deal tax lawyers, so whatever he's doing it's most likely legal. His insults? Who cares? Everyone insults someone all the time. Usually behind their backs. He just does it to their face. His racism? Unlikely. The CEO of the Trump Foundation is a black woman and she's been doing that job for 7 years. A racist would've had a white person in that job. And his misogyny? That same job would've gone to a guy. But it went to a woman, a black woman. Plus when he built his first foray into manhattan real estate, Trump Tower, his two most important VP's were women. He put the first woman to ever be in total control of the construction of a New York City skyscraper, and a woman VP in charge of selling that building. The lofty view from the top? Two thirds women, 1/3 Trump. So disliking women? Doubtful.

Most people aren't as stupid as politicians think they are. They can reason things through on their own. For instance, "Trump is going to be a terrible person dealing with other government leaders". You hear that all the time. He'll be insulting and boorish. But if someone has to file for bankruptcy and then claw their way back to billionaire. How would that happen if they were a terrible person to those that they did business with?

If you're rich and brutal to deal with, and then crash and burn, do you think for one minute that the people you treated badly would ever let you get up on your feet again? Never. They'd be stabbing you at every turn. But clearly they didn't. He can't be that bad. Different, definitely. Egotistical? With a couple billion dollars, who wouldn't be? Clear thinking about policies that just might get America going in the right direction? It seems like it.

And it clearly must seem like it to an awful lot of voters.  Has the fat lady sung yet?

Then it ain't over.