Currently in this country if you are a minor you can literally get away with murder. It is an insanely stupid law. Sure, it's supposed to give a kid who did a dumb mistake a second chance. Sure, they might have learned their lesson and turn out to be a pillar of the community or even President. And sure, it's the compassionate thing to do.

Or is it?

Stealing some clothes at a Target -- hot wiring a car for joy ride -- even hacking a high school to up your grades, probably deserve some sort of second chance.

But murder? Pure evil, torturous murder? That deserves nothing.

Picture this poor kid as YOUR son. Imagine sitting by his bedside watching his pain and watching him die before your eyes. How compassionate do you think you'd feel?

We've seen this time and time again. It's time to leave compassion at the door and start trying minors just like anyone else. You can hear the arguments. "But a 12 year old, depending on the state, might get the death penalty."

So what?

Seriously, so what?

If they didn't care about another child's life why should anyone care about theirs?

Society shouldn't. At some point, given the way the world's going, we're all going to finally come around to that conclusion. Unfortunately it'll take many more terrible deaths like this, for society to get it.